
The presented material has been prepared for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Transmission and receipt of information is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship between the sender and receiver. Readers should not act upon this information without seeking professional counsel.

The following information is presented according to the regulations of the German law on telemedia:

The principal office is situated in Cologne, Germany. Authorised and appropriate representative is Dr. Frank Schneider, Stolbergerstr. 368, 50933 Köln, Germany.

Address of the branch-office in Giessen, Germany, is: Winchesterstr. 2, 35394, Gießen, Germany.

Contact on short notice:

Patentanwalt Dr. Frank Schneider
+49-151 240 145 93

mailing address of principal office:

ip-law-firm Dr. Frank Schneider
c/o Fritz&Brandenburg
Stolbergerstraße 368
D-50933 Köln
phone: +49-221 977 752 0

Further information according to German law, ? 6 Teledienstgesetz (TDG):

Dr. Frank Schneider is a German patent attorney and member of the Patentanwaltskammer.

German Patent Attorneys are subject to professional rules laid down in the Patentanwaltsordnung and in the Berufsordnung der Patentanwälte as well as the Code of Professional Conduct of the F?d?ration Internationale des Conseils en Propri?t? Industrielle.

Registered European Trademark Attorney at the OHIM (trademarks and designs) are also subject to the rules laid down in the Council Regulation on the Community Trade Mark (

UsSt Nr. 223/5265/2028-(8740)
FA Köln-West

Professional liability insurance
contracted as patent attorney situated in Germany; insuring company is Zürich Verischrungen AG, 53287 Bonn, Germany.

exclusion of liability:

Content of this domain is provided for information purposes only concerning intellectual property in Germany / Europe. Although the content of this domain has been selected carefully, liability in relation to content is herewith explicitly excluded. Likewise liability is also excluded for the contents of domains, that can be reached herefrom via links. In case one of the links leads to content of offending or prosecuteable nature, please inform us immediately, so said link can be removed.


All content, including especially the combination of texts and pictures, are subject to copyright owned by Dr. Frank Schneider. Transmission or even commercial use of said material is prohibited without explicit allowance by the owner.

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